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cannabis sticker

4 года 5 мес. назад #769 от Keithguent
Keithguent создал тему: cannabis sticker
A double percolator bong is a beauty to look at and an even prettier way of working. The two percolators function to diffuse the hit and give you the most flavorful hits with every toke. Unfortunately, it is the very percs that prevent you from filling your bong up properly and therefore might not work to its full potential if you don't know the steps to properly filling the bong. First, unlike the traditional way of filling it with water, by pouring it down the down stem. You pour it in from the mouthpiece through the percolators. Once the water has filled the second perc, you blow down, causing the water to trickle down. Once both percs are about half way filled with water and the bottom chamber is about halfway filled, you can stop blowing and start enjoying your flower.
There are several potential medical risks associated with LSD use. п»ї п»ї Over the last 50 years, there have been a few document cases of two specific medical conditions associated with LSD use:
Do you love your daily toke in a pipe?
I don't do that shit anymore because I feel like I've gotten all I can from it at this point, and I don't trust myself to use addictive chemicals. If you buy some, order the pure powder online or get a product with only DXM as the active ingredient. What Does Being High Feel Like?

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Новое учебное пособие от Национальной металлургической академии Украины

Национальная металлургическая академия Украины выпускает теперь инженеров по автоматизации, которые обладают навыками разработки систем реального времени в среде SCADA/Softlogic/DCS S3.

Коллектив преподавателей кафедры автоматизации разработал учебное пособие "Программирование систем реального времени. Проектирование автоматизированных систем управления в среде SCADA/SoftLogic S3", которым любезно поделился с нами.


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